Saturday, February 15, 2020

Homework Assignment for Finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Homework for Finance - Assignment Example Sooner than later, they will be expecting their first born and as such, they need to start accumulating sufficient amount in savings that can handle emergency situations. It is also apparent that the family car was acquired through a loan. They should therefore pay the debts within the first five years. Having formed a family, Sam and Judy would be expecting children and as such, they should commence saving for their children education. More so, as a young couple, the two should immediately join a retirement plan that could secure their future after retirement. Moreover, they should engage in various forms of investments to enhance their cash flow patterns while at the same time managing taxes properly to avoid hefty fines and penalties in future which could adversely affect them. Asset financing: This form of credit involves financing by a financial institution whereby both the asset is jointly owned by the bank and the purchaser. The purchaser will be required to make initial payments as agreed with the bank after which monthly installments are made based on the agreed terms. The rights to the property are transferred upon completion of installment payment. Hire purchase: Similar to asset financing, the couple will be expected to make a down payment and subsequently pay the remaining balance in agreed installments after which the asset is transferred to the purchaser. Official clothes: The couple should prioritize in buying official clothes for use while going to work. This is because most workplace has a code of dressing which every employee must comply with. Borrowing from friends is the most appropriate form of credit for financing purchase of official clothes since the clothes are not too expensive and secondly this form of financing is interest free. Camera and Television: These are leisure items which the couple can arrange to acquire later through hire-purchase. This form of credit is

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Modern day America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Modern day America - Essay Example Therefore, the culture of any community in any part of the world is superior regarding the operations of people. It should be understood that there is no culture that is superior to the other; all cultures are superior in their different ways. Culture in all of its forms concerns itself with religion, food, and even on what to wear and the way of wearing it. Furthermore, different people from different origins have a language of communication that forms part of its culture. Marriage and music including the way people greet visitors are also some of the dimensions of culture. Therefore, culture is everything common and acceptable to a group of people. It is, therefore, the intention of this paper to provide a detailed discussion of the similarities and differences of cultures at the colonies to that of modern day America. In addition, the paper seeks to provide a brief description of John Adams movie. The culture of certain communities within the colonies and that of the modern day America remain different in a number of ways. The difference is, more so, regarding the so many communities living in these places. In addition, food and clothing of the different groups bring to the forefront the diversity of cultures even in areas that people may look at and think they are minute. The United States of America has a diverse culture of its people because of the large population of more than three hundred and twenty million people. In addition, the Native Americans, Latin Americans and the Africans and the Asians influenced the culture of United States because of migrations. To a larger extent, the United States is called the melting point because of the meeting of so many different cultures that meet and stand influencing other cultures. For instance, it is because of the diversity of cultures in America that the word â€Å"western culture† often refers to cultures in the United States and Europe. On the other hand, the culture of the communities in the