Friday, November 22, 2019

International marketing-country of origin, foreign and domestic Essay

International marketing-country of origin, foreign and domestic consumer predispositions - Essay Example The study will highlight varied internationalization, country of origin and consumer disposition effect related to the marketing plan of Grazia, a leading Italian fashion brand. Finally, the study would also highlight the impact of country of origin and brand positioning effect of apparels produced by leading Italian fashion companies. Country of Origin Effect The country of origin effect would constitute of differences between internationalization and international control strategies that can be due to varied national origins rather than the variations in the marketing environment (Harzing and Noorderhaven, 2000).The differences in the market dynamics and the cultural differences is a contributing factor for the increase in the country of origin effects. The national culture and the upbringing of the customers play an important role in determining the purchasing behaviour (Costa, Krutulyte and Grunert, 2006). In this context, the management of Grazia would try to assess the fashion requirements of the European common people and manufacture stylish and comfortable dresses as per customer preferences. Firstly, it has been noticed that the European people prefer Italian brands over the international brands (Greta and Lewandowski, 2013). The position of Grazia is quite strong in the European apparel industry and hence, the management will utilize this opportunity effectively to retain its marketing position strongly. The management of Grazia will try to create a unique marketing plan, which will also helps in attracting potential investors for the company. The most common trend among the European people is to understand and wear clothes of latest fashion. The company will try its utter best to manufacture comfortable and fashionable clothes at affordable prices to cater to the needs of the European customers. The varied clothing line will also be available in small retail stores throughout the European region. Apparels are regarded as one of the basic fashion nece ssity for European customers. The clothing line manufactured by Grazia is regarded as one of the most coveted fashion products in the entire Italian region (Tronconi, 2012). Much is contributed to the effective marketing strategies and the country of origin effect of the apparel industry. Domestic & Consumer Predisposition Consumer disposition or brand positioning will help the company to attain its market position by accomplishment of goals and objectives. Consumer disposition occurs highly with the high involvement of varied range of goods and services. This would lead to frequent purchase of apparels and also to the positive brand positioning of Grazia. This would also include strong advertising effectiveness, which will be measured by the consumers purchase intentions and impact attitude. The main objective of the brand positioning plans of Grazia would be as follows: To create awareness among the potential consumers who do not have the slightest hint about the varied types of c lothing line manufactured by Grazia To create preferences among the undecided Provide reinforcement among the positive predisposed Conversion of negatively predisposed items into positive items The main objective of Grazia would be to create a niche in the Italian apparel industry and also increase its profitability. In this context, one of the main objectives of Grazia would be to manufacture clothing line from high quality Italian yarn and sell these at an

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