Saturday, December 7, 2019

Health Promotion for Breast Cancer Samples †

Question: Discsus about the Health Promotion for Breast Cancer. Answer: Breast cancer is the most common form of the diagnosed cancer in the states of Australia in the year 2013. It has also been one of the most diagnosed diseases in Australia. It has been estimated that it will become one of the most common form of diagnosed cancer in the year of 2017 both among the males and among females. This has occurred because that there are incidence of the prostate cancer, which is the most common form of cancer, has been expected to decline a very higher magnitude (Lawler et al., 2017). Moreover, this essay focuses on health promotion of the disease of cancer. The health promotion makes the people aware about the growing number of this disease in their country. Therefore, the target group set for this promotion in the teenaged girl students of the Charles Darwin University. These students are used for having the proper campaigning of the health promotion that are being organized to aware the people about the problems they are facing due to the breast cancer. In the year 2013, there has been cases that there has been 16,045 new amount of cases that have been diagnosed with breast cancer in the country of Australia where 142 males and 15902 females are diagnosed with the disease. In the year 2017, it was recorded that 17,730 new form of cases of the breast cancer have been diagnosed in Australia where 144 were males and 17,586 were females. In the year 2013, the age standardized rate of the incidence was 64 cases per 100,000 persons out of which 1.1 percent was the male gender and 123 were for females. In the year 2017, it was observed that the risk for the individuals being diagnosed with the problem of breast cancer at their 84th Birthday and that would be 1 out of 14 cases (Sharma, 2016). The numbers of the new cases with breast cancer were diagnosed to have increased from 5371 in the year 1982 to 16045 in the year 2013 (Matsoso Fryatt, 2013). It has been observed in the same period, the age standardized form of the rate of incidence have risen from the level of 44 cases per 100000persons to the rate of 64 cases per 100000 in the year 2013 (Biswas et al., 2015). It has been also observed in recent times that the death has been occurring at a huge level due to breast cancer (Biswas et al., 2015). However, in the year of 2014, Australia became the fourth leading nation where breast cancer became the important factor death. During the year 2014, the second most common form of death is observed to be from cancer amongst the female population. It has been estimated that it will always remain the most common form of death that can cause cancer in the year 2017. Moreover, it was also observed that 2844 deaths are caused due to breast cancer for females and in the year of 2017, 3114 deaths were recorded due to breast cancer in females. However, it has been observed most of the people who are residing in Australia are going through the problem of breast cancer from a very long time. Therefore, it is very important for the people to be aware of the disease and implement the basic lifestyle changes that are needed to prevent the disease (Black et al., 2015). The health promotions are a very basic form of promotion to aware the people about their ailing issue that has been a relevant factor in todays world (Matsoso Fryatt, 2013). There has been a global form of acceptance in the heath and the social well being that are being determined by the multiple factors that are being outside the systems of the health that can include the socio economic conditions, learning the different aspects of the environment, the patterns of the family, the cultural and the social form of the fabrics of the societies, the changes in the socio economical societies. It also includes the commercialization and trade of the changes in the global environment (Sharma, 2016). Promotion of the health can be effectively addressed by adopting a holistic approach that are done for empowering the individuals and the communities. It is done by taking the actions of the health by fostering the leadership in the domain of public health and promoting the intersectoral actions for building the health policies for all the sectors and for creating the sustainable form of the health systems. Although, it is not a new form of concept, the promotion of the health has been receiving a impetus manner of the following Alma Ata declaration. There have been huge efforts that can be taken on encompassing the actions of the health at the community levels, strengthening the systems of the health and having the partnership of the multi sectors that can be directed from the specific conditions of the health. This phenomenon should include the approach that is setting based and should promote the needs that to be built for all the policies and it should be utilized in an efficient manner that will lead for having a positive outcome to the health in the specific form of the settings that includes the schools, workplaces, hospitals and the areas of residence. The promotion of the health needs to build the policies that can be utilized efficiently for leading a positive form of the outcomes of the health (Short et al., 2015). Therefore, to have a promotion in the province of Darwin, it is necessary to have a proper plan that can be implemented for gaining a large amount of benefit with making the people aware about the various causes of the disease. A slogan like Save the Women must be formed to start the promotion of the breast cancer. However, it has been seen that the teenagers in Darwin are not aware of the disease. They are not at all aware about the symptoms and the fatal causes of the disease. Therefore, to avoid the occurrence of the disease, the main tool that are needed for stopping the disease is to change the lifestyle of the people. However, the genetic factor cannot be controlled but the lifestyle modifications are the factors that can be changed and hence modified. Therefore, by promoting about the various lifestyles strategies that can be adopted to decrease the level of occurrence of the disease, the plan can be made successful. One of the promising approaches that can be tailored for the barriers and the increase in the rates of the screening of the mammography is the use of the peer health educators who hail from the same cultural background and there can be the same cultures of the community of the target immigrant (Short et al., 2015). However, there have been the evidences from the North Carolina Breast Screening Program is the use of the peer health educators for the same culture that can be one of the target immigrant of the community. Their study have derived that the black women often felt the support that are been received from the lay health advisors that are been encouraged them to do so. In a more systematic form of the study, it was demonstrated that there are effects of the peer health educators in the who have matched the ethnicity of the target population for the statistically significant form of the improvements in the screening of the mammography. The usage of the peer educators is a form of the individual directed interventions. However, whenever the approach has been combined with the strategies that are access enhancing strategies that are used includes the bilingual form of the small media, arrangements of the appointments, individual form of the appointments, the individual form of the reminders, transportations and the screening uptake that are more effective than the individual form of strategies that are directed alone. The cancer screening approaches in the Asian population can be improved through the utilization of the multiple strategies that are that re been included for the peer health educators (Matsoso Fryatt, 2013). In another form of the study, the Latinos enrolled in the promotion of the cardiovascular promotion programs for using the lay health advisors for reporting the increased form of awareness and motivation for incorporating and motivating the positive form of health practices like taking healthier fo rm of food, taking precautions, consulting the doctor if there are any form of swelling or irritation in the breasts etc. The peer health educators are a form of outreach strategy that is very common amongst the diverse form of the ethnocultural groups (Reis et al., 2016). However, there are very less amount of studies to support the experiences of the women of Australia with the peer health educator program that have been utilized in the multiple forms of the strategies (Reis et al., 2016). The purposes of this essay to aware the population about the alarming rise in the breast cancer in women. However, the essay also foresees that whether the women are getting any help from the peer group educators are beneficial for the ailing women or not (Reis et al., 2016). Nevertheless, the health promotions are majorly done for reaching the audiences through the multicultural and the community events, the appropriate form of the media, the intermittent form of the health sessions of the women and the healthy lifestyle adaptations of the women and also through the services for the cancer screening. Peer health ed ucators also supported immigrant women to access other health care and community services unrelated to screening. Public health nurses (PHNs) and four peer health educators on a chronic disease prevention team collaborated with cancer screening services and womens health services to facilitate access for immigrant women. From the various studies it has been found that the campaign in the Western Australia is a successful form of tackling the various promotions that are done for promoting the unproven form of the technologies of breast imaging that are used for detecting the breast cancer. For reflecting the campaign, it was found that there is evidence of five composite factors that have contributed to their success (Sharma, 2016). These generally includes, being opportunist, collating the evidences, the usage of the existing form of the regulatory channels, the engagement of the media and finding the right mix of the professional skills and the campaigning team. However, the Cancer Council of the Western Australia have been focused on staying appraised on the developments in the unproven form of the imagery of the industry of breast cancer. This effectively monitors the activity of the industry on the different websites and on the social network sites (Sharma, 2016). The Cancer Council of the Western Australia has also advocated that the campaign have conducted against the backdrop of the constant interaction with the media. This has effectively promoted the customer message that the women should not rely upon for the unproven form of the commercial breast imaging technologies for detecting the breast cancer (Reis et al., 2016). However, it has been found that communication is very difficult tasks, as the climate tends to intensify the scientific form of debates about the merits of the screening for mammographic breast cancer. The campaign however, emphasizes despite their limitations of the mammography that remains in the standards of gold (Green Thorogood, 2013). Nevertheless, it can be hoped that the Cancer Council of the Australian experience that will provide the useful model that can advocate who are the concerned person for the unsafe form of the consumer products, that have unproven the medical devices or for misleading the health information and advertising. Therefore, the essay summarizes that how the healthcare promotion can be done and how they can be beneficial for the population of Australia. References Biswas, A., Oh, P. I., Faulkner, G. E., Bajaj, R. R., Silver, M. A., Mitchell, M. S., Alter, D. A. (2015). Sedentary time and its association with risk for disease incidence, mortality, and hospitalization in adultsa systematic review and meta-analysissedentary time and disease incidence, mortality, and hospitalization.Annals of internal medicine,162(2), 123-132. Black, K. Z., Johnson, L. S., Samuel-Hodge, C. D., Gupta, L., Sundaresan, A., Nicholson, W. K. (2017). 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