Friday, May 22, 2020

Transformational Leadership Impact on Team Performance Free Essay Example, 4000 words

The concept of leadership has been a central focus for most researchers for decades, with the most recent focus on leadership moving from traditional theories of leadership to the more modern transactional and transformational theories of leadership (Ozaralli, 2003). A lot of emphasis though has been placed on transformational leadership, which is viewed to be charismatic and visionary (Bass Stedlmeier, 1999), and has been theorized to influence the follower s performance motivation, sense of purpose, and self-awareness (Bass, 1985; Bass and Avolio, 1993). This view has been strongly supported by Bass, Daniel and Tucker (1992), who in their research analyzing university principals, found that transformational leadership not only had an impact on job satisfaction but also performance. Ozaralli (2003) who is investigating transformational leadership with respect to team effectiveness and leadership also concluded that transformative leadership strongly contributed to employee empower ment and team efficiency. Studies relating leadership styles to team effectiveness have consistently arrived at the same solution; that transformational leadership is a more determinant of effectiveness than are other leadership styles. For instance, Organ (1998) in his empirical analysis found that the relationship between role performance and transformational leadership was higher than that between role performance and transactional leadership. We will write a custom essay sample on Transformational Leadership Impact on Team Performance or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Sosik, Avolio, and Khakai (1997) and Dione et al (2004) found similar results when relating the leadership styles to team effectiveness, where transformational leadership is deemed more influential and effective. The essence of transformational leadership rests on Bass and Stedlmeier (1999), Bass (1995) and Bass and Avolio (1993) theoretical constructs. Based on these researches, it can be noted that transformational leadership has four dimensions: these are Inspirational motivation, where the leader effectively communicates a vision.

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