Saturday, January 25, 2020

what we ought to eat :: essays research papers

Christine Cuomo spoke about many interesting topics on what we ought to eat. She presented a very good argument on how eating meet is what we should no be eating and that rather more healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables are better for us in several ways and for many reasons. Christine is an ethics professor at the University of Cincinnati and during here presentation she made arguments that were somewhat controversial about what people ought to eat and what they shouldn’t ought to eat; and why. Even though some of here argument were controversial she seemed to put her perspective in very understandable ways that even those against her position would still enjoy hearing what she has to say. She is a vegetarian but is not one to force the idea on you, and she still eats cheese and drink milk. She talks about how animals are slaughtered for food and its not fair to them. She presents an argument on how butchers treat animals horribly and even though they are a source fo r our food they is no reason for animal brutality. During the presentation there was a picture of a high pile of pigs slaughtered. The picture was quite grossum and didn’t need much words to tell the story. Animals are just treated very violently as if they have no type of feeling for pain. This is not right. Personally I would like to see animals treated better before they are slaughtered because they have feelings of pain just as we do. I wish more people, including myself, can have the will power to stop eating meet to send a message to their butchers and factories that are displaying such animal brutality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being a vegetarian is tuff, especially if your from a nonvegeatarian family. However, Christine made her argument not only how meatless foods are good, but how simply eating less is a good start. Its hard to ask someone to top eating meet but it’s a nice gesture to try to eat less. Eating less helps, less animals will be needed to food and maybe a message will be sent to those who practice brutal ways on animals. One interesting point was that animal eat a lot. And its better for the world to have them dead then alive and eating more. This is not a right way to think. Animals were put on this earth by the same supreme being that put us on this earth.

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